Frequently Asked
Pilates F.A.Q.
Frequently asked questions by our clients at Physio Logic:
What is Pilates?
Pilates is a form of low-impact exercise that aims to strengthen muscles while improving postural alignment and flexibility. Pilates moves tend to target the core, although the exercises work other areas of your body as well.
The moves to involve slow, precise movements and breath control. It strengthens and stabilizes your core body, which is your foundation, so that you can move efficiently while improving your posture, flexibility, and mobility.
What are the benefits of pilates?
Longer, leaner muscles – Muscles can mold and change shape to the way they are worked. Eccentric, or lengthening, contractions are the key to elongating muscles and are uniquely emphasized in Pilates exercises. Strength is utilized to increase range of motion ie. flexibility. You do not need to be flexible to do Pilates! The spring systems of the Pilates equipment act as weights and give both ‘resistance’ and ‘assistance’ to the body.
Balanced Posture – Learn to locate deep intrinsic muscles of the body and then apply them to bigger movements. This allows the body’s “Powerhouse” to be your core stability before your given movement is initiated. Balanced posture and alignment Muscles around the spine are worked to maintain natural, unexaggerated curvatures of the spine.
Prevention of Injury – The cause of injuries stem from muscular imbalances or limited range of motion in a joint or muscle. Pilates rebalances the body.
Optimum results in other movement disciplines and daily life activities. Sometimes it is the smallest correction that makes the body more efficient.
Who is pilates for?
As a tool for body conditioning, rehabilitation, or injury prevention, Pilates is for everyone.
Sports Specific Training (i.e. Marathon runners, Cycling, Racquet Sports, Golf, etc.)
Dancers/Martial Artists/Yogis
Office workers
Post or Pre-Natal Women
Beginning a new exercise regime
Struggling with chronic stiffness or injury
Sciatic Nerve Pain
IT Band Syndrome
Recurring Sprain/Strains
Muscle Atrophy
Back pain (Spasms, Disc Herniation)
Post Rehabilitation
Strength Training
What Is the history of pilates?
Joseph Hubertus Pilates was born in Germany in 1880. He overcame a sickly childhood of asthma, rickets, and rheumatic fever by training as a diver, skier, body builder, gymnast, and boxer. His success led him to England as a self defense instructor for detectives at Scotland Yard. During World War I, he enabled patients to rehabilitate by attaching springs to their hospital beds. This system became the foundation of the specific movements on his uniquely designed equipment and apparatus. In 1920, the first Pilates studio was opened in New York City, J. H. Pilates teachings of “Contrology,” the ability to control your muscles with your mind, was established and the method was quickly adapted by dancers and athletes. In the past 25 years, the secret of Pilates has become embraced by the general public and doctors worldwide.
What should I expect on my first visit?
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What should I wear for my pilates session?
Will my information be shared with the Physio Logic clinic?
Yes and no. We do share notes on any of your injuries, treatment and progress if requested by you. It is an amazing way to see thorough care and really take in the benefits of seeing like minded practitioners at Physio Logic. It’s about finding your pieces of the puzzle and what disciplines work best for you. Our communication is how we all learn what is best for you! Because we are separate entities, we do have a separate system in the pilates studio and will need to file our own set of brief paperwork for you.
What if I can't make it to my scheduled appointment?
Are there expiration dates on packages?
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Our locations
718.852.8349 ext. 41
409 Fulton Street, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
646.468.1478 ext. 41
115 East 82nd Street, Suite 1B
New York, NY 10028